Consumer Insight: Sensory & Consumer Behaviour Workshop
Consumer Insight: Sensory & Consumer Behaviour Workshop includes basic topics related to sensory science, consumers’ research and behavioural/ emotion research combined with various exercises/case studies covering practical, real-world scenarios.
The aim of this workshop is to familiarize participants with various, carefully selected, methods, techniques, and tools used during the complete journey of new product development and product understanding. We name examples such as product labs, triangle tests, but also observational research and facial expression analysis. Each one of these methods can be helpful in its ‘own right in developing an adequate product business case. During the workshop, these methods and much more will be introduced and explained. Furthermore, advices will be given where they could be potentially applied and what benefits they can bring during the product innovation process (product and packaging) covering from the ideation phase through market implementation till product withdrawal phase.
The theoretical part
▪ Basics of sensory analysis, sensory, consumer and behavioral research definitions and terminology
▪ Proper use of various, carefully selected methods, techniques and tools used in sensory, consumer and behavioural research in the product innovation process, their application and benefits
This course is for all involved in product’s innovation process and research, particularly for R&D managers, food technologists, product managers/specialists, category managers/specialists, business unit managers, quality assurance departments, on-site laboratories who would like gain, refresh or broaden their knowledge about various product research tools.
Day 1
Day 2