Today, consumers pay close attention not only to the brand, but also to quality! That is why it is so important to have knowledge about sensory analysis and performing a correct organoleptic assessment, in order to correctly perform objective assessments during the development of a new product, during its monitoring on the market in order to maintain quality. This is extremely important knowledge in the food and cosmetics industry! Let’s remember that it is equally important who performs this organoleptic assessment and whether they have the appropriate sensory predispositions. Let’s remember that this person decides about the QUALITY of your products.
During the sensory workshop II ‘Improvement in organoleptic evaluation of products’, participants will recall the secrets of conducting a correct organoleptic evaluation under the supervision of an experienced sensory expert and will have the opportunity to participate in a professionally prepared sensory tasting combined with an objective organoleptic evaluation, selected in terms of the preferences of a given Client (based on their products or competitive products).
An incredible advantage of the workshops is the opportunity to take part in professional sensory tests aimed at re-verifying the sensory sensitivity of individual people, ending with an individual sensory sensitivity assessment, which will be prepared and sent after the classes.
Sensory Workshop II: ‘IMPROVEMENT IN ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATION OF PRODUCTS’ is a continuation of the Sensory Workshop ‘Fundamentals of the sensory analysis & the verification of the sensory sensitivity’ well-known to our Clients, organized for over 10 years. The sensory workshop is still enjoys a high degree of recognition and interest. Sensory Workshop II aim to partially recall and expand the knowledge gained at Sensory Workshop I. Sensory Workshops II focus primarily on the practical part (for which is dedicated 90% of its time).
We invite all Clients who want to improve and increase their knowledge in the area of correct organoleptic evaluation to take care and further improve the quality of their products.
Attention! Sensory Workshop II: ‘IMPROVEMENT IN ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATION OF PRODUCTS’ is organized only as closed trainings at a given Client. We do not organize open trainings.
„The content and the agenda of sensory workshop was tailored to Unilever needs and expectations. The group of participants highly appreciated the expert knowledge, the way of communication, competences and instructive skills of the trainer.
Ms Agata Markiewicz is considered as professional business partner with strong experience in food industry. Her expertise in sensory area, passion for her work and deep understanding of consumer trends are the best recommendations for her future projects recipients.”
„I would like to thank the Consumer Insight Consulting company for their cooperation. As part of the agreement the company has completed: sensory training. Ms. Agata presented the high quality service which were proceeded in an exemplary manner. The scope of training was perfectly matched to my needs. For sure I will use services of Consumer Insight Consulting once again to expand my knowledge of CTI.”
„Professional presentation supported with hard data in combination with demanding sensory test. I could recommend for all newcomers in Food Industry to calibrate the senses and match proper testing technics with the business needs. All basics of sensory test & technics in nutshell plus live training of approval session execution.”
„I had the chance to attend a mini sensory training with Agata. She is very professional and the sensory training was very insightful and interesting! I recommend to follow a sensory training with Agata in particular if working in the food category.”
„Szkolenia w formie warsztatów sensorycznych zostały zrealizowane w sposób profesjonalny i interesujący oraz uzyskało wysokie noty wśród mojego zespołu R&D. Został doceniony poziom dydaktyczny i merytoryczny Pani Agaty Markiewicz, jej elastyczność i komunikatywność z grupami szkoleniowymi.”
„Miałam przyjemność uczestniczyć w testach sensorycznych przygotowanych przez panią Agatę Markiewicz. Cenię sobie to spotkanie, bo umożliwiło mi ono profesjonalną identyfikację słabych i mocnych stron z zakresu wrażliwości sensorycznej. Wiedza i świadomość, którą wówczas zyskałam dała mi duże wsparcie w procesie decyzyjnym.”
„Szkolenie zostało zrealizowane zgodnie z przedstawionym harmonogramem, a Pani Agata Markiewicz dała się poznać jako rzetelny i profesjonalny organizator szkoleń tematycznych. Pani Agata Markiewicz prezentowała wysoką wiedzę i kompetencje w zakresie omawianej tematyki, a sposób prezencji omawianych zagadnień zasługuje na wyróżnienie. Ponadto wykazała się dużą otwartością i gotowością do wyjaśniania pytań i wątpliwości, które pojawiały się podczas trwania szkolenia.
Samo szkolenie zostało przygotowane w sposób profesjonalny, a dołączone materiały dydaktyczne zostały docenione przez uczestników szkolenia. Na pochwałę zasługuje również wprowadzenie elementów weryfikacji wrażliwości sensorycznej uczestników kursu oraz warsztatów, które pozwoliły utrwalić zdobytą wiedzę.
Z przyjemnością polecamy firmę Consumer Insight Consulting oraz Panią Agatę Markiewicz, jako kompetentnego partnera w realizacji szkoleń z zakresu analizy sensorycznej żywności.”
The training course is intended primarily for all persons involved in sensory analysis and its application, and in particular for management staff, food technologists, marketing employees, quality department, factory laboratories, sales representatives and employees involved in organoleptic evaluation of products in production plants.
During the Sensory Workshops II participant:
- will undergo sensory verification in the scope of taste, smell, touch and sight
- will be reminded of the ‘golden rules of a correct organoleptic evaluation’
- will independently and in a team perform correct organoleptic evaluations of products in accordance with the principles learned during the theoretical part (portfolio of products adapted to the needs and requirements of the Client: Client’s and/or competitive products). Focusing on the selected product category in order to increase knowledge in a given category and improve the assessment skills of people through continuous, in-depth training