Sensory Evaluation Techniques
Consultancy in terms of:
Sensory tests called ‘Sensitivity tests’ or ‘Screening tests’ are asking two main questions: ‘How sensitive are people to sensory characteristics?’ and ‘What is the minimum detectable concentration of a substance?’ These tests aim to screen and to find the best suitable candidates to perform as assessors and sensory experts in specialized sensory tests during products’ evaluation as well as are used to screen regular employees directly responsible for product development and production.
Difference tests are among the simplest sensory tests. They are based on comparison of samples and are asking ‘Is there any recognisable difference?’ Depending on the test they can be used to test for similarity or difference. Test for difference is used if it is aimed for example to compare one product with that of a competitor and/or to improve a formulation. Test for similarity is used if it is aimed for example to replace an ingredient in the product without being noticed by consumers and/or to maintain consistency in the product.
Mostly used tests:
- Triangle test
- Duo-Trio Test
- Ranking
Descriptive techniques are more complex sensory tests and are used to describe differences between products. They are based on a comparison of samples and are asking two main questions: ‘What are the sensory characteristics of a product?’ and ‘How can the difference between products be described?’ A small group of well-trained people called sensory experts / sensory panel is used to perform them. These tests objectively describe differences between products using a list of attributes. Panelists are trained on the use of sensory scales for each attribute.
Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA®) is one of the main descriptive analysis techniques used in sensory evaluation. This technique is a behavioural sensory evaluation approach that uses descriptive expert panels to measure a product’s sensory characteristics. Panel members use their senses to identify perceived similarities and differences in products, and describe those perceptions in their own words. Sensory evaluation is a science that measures, analyzes and interprets the reactions of the senses of sight, smell, sound, taste, and texture of products.
Consumer Insight Consulting company offers consultancy for individual Client’s needs in terms of sensory ( e.g. selection, recruitment of panelists, training of panelists and sensory lab personnel, know-how how to build and organize the sensory laboratory together with selection of the best sensory equipment to the premises).
Consumer Insight Consulting company offers sensory trainings and workshops for companies (in Clients’ locations ) dedicated to marketing, R&D, quality assurance departments, factory workers.
The sensory training includes basic issues related to sensory science with included sensory exercises.
During sensory workshops participants are familiarized with the basics of sensory science and have possibilities to participate in simple sensory tests (separate session dedicated for sensory tests and completed by individual assessment of each participant).
There exists possiblity of adapting sensory workshops according to individual Client’s needs.
Consumer Insight Consulting company offers consultancy how to perform professional sensory tasting sessions in Clients’ companies (in laboratories, offices, production facilities for companies in the food industry and cosmetics) to obtain product evalution in objective and neutral environment.
There is possibilty of attandence indipendent sensory expert during internal tasting sessions for Client’s wish.
Consumer Insight Consulting company offers a package of solutions that allows controlling the quality of the product during the manufacturing process, in order to avoid the so-called ‘product blur effect’ caused by lack of sensory control over the final product during the multi-year production process.
This solution will help maintain the product’s consistency over the years.

Consumer Insight Consulting company offers consultation how to build and furnish professional sensory panels and laboratories.
We know how to recruit, select (including check of individual sensory abilities during candidates’ selection) and train professional sensory panel and we are willing to share this knowledge with our Clients.