SENSORY TRAINING I Fundamentals of the sensory analysis training
‘Fundamentals of the sensory analysis’ training
Every company aims to develop a unique products to please the customers and secure their loyalty. However, majority of the companies are not successful with meeting that aim.
Product matters
Just have a closer look at the market. Can you see how many products are similar to each other? That is a result of copying products offered by market leading companies. With competition rising everyday companies must do their best to create outstanding innovative products.
Quality matters
You must be aware that the brand itself does not guarantee a success of the product. Customers’ demands are growing and they want their voice to be heard. Unhealthy and poor quality products are quickly vanishing from the market. Today, beyond the brand, the product must provide quality.
Sensory analysis gives you an answer
The importance of the sensory analysis in the development of the products is crucial. Especially, but not inclusive, in the Food and Cosmetics industries, where sensory analysis should be used both to develop new products, and to monitor the quality of the products already implemented on the market.
Sensory training I lead by Consumer Insight Consulting is the best choice for your company!

Ms Agata Markiewicz is considered as professional business partner with strong experience in food industry. Her expertise in sensory area, passion for her work and deep understanding of consumer trends are the best recommendations for her future projects recipients.”
„I would like to thank the Consumer Insight Consulting company for their cooperation. As part of the agreement the company has completed: sensory training. Ms. Agata presented the high quality service which were proceeded in an exemplary manner. The scope of training was perfectly matched to my needs. For sure I will use services of Consumer Insight Consulting once again to expand my knowledge of CTI.”
„Professional presentation supported with hard data in combination with demanding sensory test. I could recommend for all newcomers in Food Industry to calibrate the senses and match proper testing technics with the business needs. All basics of sensory test & technics in nutshell plus live training of approval session execution.”
„I had the chance to attend a mini sensory training with Agata. She is very professional and the sensory training was very insightful and interesting! I recommend to follow a sensory training with Agata in particular if working in the food category.”
„Szkolenie zostało zrealizowane zgodnie z przedstawionym harmonogramem, a Pani Agata Markiewicz dała się poznać jako rzetelny i profesjonalny organizator szkoleń tematycznych. Pani Agata Markiewicz prezentowała wysoką wiedzę i kompetencje w zakresie omawianej tematyki, a sposób prezencji omawianych zagadnień zasługuje na wyróżnienie. Ponadto wykazała się dużą otwartością i gotowością do wyjaśniania pytań i wątpliwości, które pojawiały się podczas trwania szkolenia.
Samo szkolenie zostało przygotowane w sposób profesjonalny, a dołączone materiały dydaktyczne zostały docenione przez uczestników szkolenia. Na pochwałę zasługuje również wprowadzenie elementów weryfikacji wrażliwości sensorycznej uczestników kursu oraz warsztatów, które pozwoliły utrwalić zdobytą wiedzę.
Z przyjemnością polecamy firmę Consumer Insight Consulting oraz Panią Agatę Markiewicz, jako kompetentnego partnera w realizacji szkoleń z zakresu analizy sensorycznej żywności.”
For whom?
Sensory Training I – the course is designed primarily for all those associated with sensory analysis and its application, in particular for managers, food technologists, marketing teams, quality assurance departments, on-site laboratories, sales departments and factory workers responsible for the organoleptic evaluation of products in factories.
During training participants will be familiarised with:
- basics of the sensory analysis, definitions and terminology
- rules for the sensory testing implementation and sample preparation
- basic method of sensory analysis and its application
- product research plan – the combination of sensory analysis methods combined with consumer research
- recruitment and verification rules for a sensory team
- tasting session’s & sensory evaluation principles
- factors affecting the reliability of the results